
MediaQuest has many different media types to offer customers based on their needs.

Magazines and Newspapers

Magazines and Newspapers

Even though many think that paper is dead, magazines and newspapers are a key piece of marketing and should not be overlooked. As a result, MediaQuest continues to use press advertising even in this digital age. We make the most of the spaces for advertising in paper publications. We know what people are reading and we make sure we get your message in front of potential customers. Press advertising is a great way to advertise an upcoming event. You can unload extra stock that you might have via press advertising. You can turn it into a regularly scheduled ad or keep it to a once a quarter, whatever works for your company.

Direct mail

Direct mail is still effective, too. People still read their mail. Today most people get less paper mail to their mailboxes so they are more likely to read it. We take advantage of that. This marketing ends up directly in the hands of the recipient. Direct mail is personalized with the recipient’s name and can target specific groups of people. This way your message gets to exactly the person you want it to. Direct mail does not have to go out in isolation. It can run concurrently with radio and online campaigns. You can send a coupon or voucher in the mail to customers and prompt them to log on to a website or visit a store for a special sale.

Direct mail
Radio advertising

Radio advertising

Radio advertising has been around for generations and it is still an impactful way to communicate to customers. The customer does not have to pay for it and can play in the background of customers’ lives. It engages people in a way that no other form of media can and it is a powerhouse to add to your media campaigns.

MediaQuest has a ton of experience in radio production. We have producers and writers specific for radio. This promises that your message will be remembered and customers will respond. Radio can do all the same things as direct mail with special advertising for upcoming events.

Decision Making

When it comes to deciding which type of media is right for you, we look at your goals and budget to ensure all your needs are met. We can decide for you which media format is the right one for you. When it comes to media buying, we have suppliers with the best quality media for the best pricing. We control the cost of the media so we remain within your budget.

Database marketing is an important key to managing your customer base. You can track your customers and if they want to hear from you. If they do want to hear from you, you can track how they would prefer to hear from you. It can help you grow your leads and continue to grow your customer base.